
  • mLAC Journal for Arts, Commerce and Sciences (m-JACS)

    mLAC Journal for Arts, Commerce and Sciences (m-JACS)

    The primary objective of the mLAC Journal for Arts, Commerce and Sciences (m-JACS) is to bring out the recent developments in research in germane to functional, theoretical and experimental studies in Arts, Commerce and Sciences streams. It aims to promote and exchange the scientific information and its applications between researchers, developers, learners, and practitioners working across the world. This is not limited to a specific aspect of Arts, Commerce and Sciences but it is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the stream. m-JACS will create a platform for practitioners and educators inits chosen field to share and explore the research evidence, models of best practice and innovative ideas to enrich their academic knowledge.

    Mission Statement :

    The major focus is to bridge the higher education gap by delivering content solutions in new and innovative ways to enrich the learning experience. The publications of papers are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The journal is published quarterly with distribution to librarians, universities, technical colleges, and research centers, researchers in Arts, Commerce and Sciences ,computing, communication, mathematics, networking, information science, biomedical, and engineering environment. The articles published in our journal can be accessed online. The journal maintains strict refereeing procedures through its editorial policies to publish only the highest quality paper.

    Vision Statement :

    mLAC Journal for Arts, Commerce and Sciences (m-JACS) a collaborative endeavor of the Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Autonomous , aims at driving forward research in the field of Arts, Commerce and Sciences by delivering high-quality evidence based papers for academics, researchers, practitioners and corporate professionals. The journal aspires to offer prospects for discussion and exchange of ideas across a wide spectrum of scholarly opinions to promote research and applications.

    Benefits to publish the Paper in m-JACS

    Quick and Speedy Review Process
    Automated Citation Generator
    m-JACS is an Open-Access peer reviewed International Journal
    Individual Soft copy of "Certificate of Publication" to all Authors of paper
    Indexing of paper in all major online journal databases like Google Scholar ,
    Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your article with keyword and abstract.
    Author Research Guidelines & Support
    Only Quality Papers Accepted.